Mission Statement
The ethos of Braehead Golf Club has always been to make the game of golf accessible, enjoyable and affordable to as many people as possible.
Introductory Welcome
Thank you for joining our wonderful golf club. We hope this pack helps you to find your feet. Please feel free to ask any member for help or clarity. Our committee meeting minutes and any important information are sent out via email, while the ladies and gents AGM’s are held in Nov/Dec respectively, please come along and have your say on your club.
Gents Section
We have a very active gents section who play recreational golf most days. Competitions run on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season with monthly medals on a Tuesday. During the off season our very competitive Sewell competition runs every Saturday and Sunday, where your best six net scores are accumulated. Refer to the fixture card for dates and details and the notice board for updates.
Ladies Section
Braehead ladies play their medals on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year, with tee times allocated on BRS, they also play in the Sewell alongside the gents during the off season. Our senior ladies play most Monday mornings around 10am and chat over a coffee and lunch afterwards; all ladies are welcome to join them. The ladies also participate in team league competitions throughout the season against opposing clubs. The ladies are very active organising fundraising events for local causes. Please refer to the fixture card and notice board in the ladies locker room for info.
Senior Section
Mike and Kevin run our vibrant senior section who play most days throughout the year. They play medals competitions on Wednesday mornings during the season while the Ochil Shield is played throughout the winter months with your best six scores counting. The seniors enter teams in the very competitive Caledonian (Cally) League and play friendlies against opposing clubs throughout the season. Carol singing and a Burns lunch are regular features in this busy social section which also raises money for local charities and causes. See the notice board in the locker room for info.
Junior Section
We have a very active junior section with tee times reserved every Sunday throughout the year allowing them to play 6, 12 or 18 holes depending of experience and ability, we also play competitions on Thursdays during the summer school holidays. Junior subscriptions are inclusive of PGA run coaching sessions and allow supervised access to our Junior lounge area. Neil Kerr is our Junior convenor and is fully committed to growing this section arranging friendlies with neighbouring clubs and joining the Forth Valley Junior Golf League for juniors with handicaps. We have also signed up for Scottish Golf’s Golf Sixes and Flag competitions, which are aimed at younger players who are not yet at a the level to obtain a playing handicap. We have clubs and bags of all sizes which can be lent to any new junior or anyone who has outgrown their current set. Communications to members and guardians are made using our dedicated Braehead Juniors Facebook page.
On the Course
Please be respectful to all persons on the golf course and always consider the safety of our green staff when playing. If you hit a ball towards others, shout FORE. Ring the bells at the 1st and 5th greens too signify they are clear, allow players to vacate the 10th green before teeing from the 7th medal tee. Keep up a steady pace, adopting “ready golf”. If you think it’s lost or out of bounds, play a provisional. Mark your cards on the next tee and not the green. If you lose a hole, allow the players behind to play through. If for any reason conditions on the course are deemed unsafe a klaxon will be sounded, on hearing this klaxon stop play immediately, make your way to safety and report to the pro shop at the earliest opportunity.
Booking a Tee Time
All golfers are required to check-in to the pro shop whenever on the course. We recommend you book tee-times in advance via our online booking system using the BRS app or you can phone the pro shop who will do this your behalf.
Handicaps & Competitions
In order to compete in club competitions you must have a valid, up-to-date handicap. To obtain a new, or reinstate a lapsed handicap you must submit 3 cards all signed by a member and clearly marked “for handicap”; at least one card must be played from the medal tees (gents only). Competition sheets with rules and formats are posted on the various section’s notice boards and the results are published on Howdidido. Scottish Golf manages the Central Data- base of Handicaps (CDH). On obtaining a handicap you will be given a CDH number which you will require when playing in away competitions to keep your handicap up to date. 2020 saw the role out of the new World Handicap System WHS which will unify and simplify all governing body’s handicap systems.
PGA Professional
Heather Stirling is our PGA accredited Professional, Heather offers a range of lesson and coaching packages to suit your needs. She is fully committed to developing our Juniors and facilitates their group lessons during the school holidays. Heather has a fully stocked shop where you will be able to buy all the big brands at very competitive prices.
Membership & Guest Fees
All fees are due to be paid on 1st October each year with options available to help spread the cost. Your fixture card and badge can be collected from the office or bar on payment of fees. Members are allowed up to 12 guests per year at the concessional rate on production of their fixture card to the pro shop. It is advisable to book in and pay for your guests in advance on the very occasional times the pro shop and bar is closed.
Reciprocal Golf
We have reciprocal golf arrangements with all Clackmannanshire County Golf Union affiliated clubs. Just show your membership cards to verify and gain their concession rates. We also have arrangements with clubs, check the website for details.
Lockers & Buggies
Access to the locker rooms is via the back door entrance, no golf equipment should be taken through the clubhouse main entrance. When available, lockers and buggy parking spaces can be rented annually from the office. There are four club buggies which can be hired daily from the pro shop. Please comply with the notice next to the 1st tee advising on the occasions when buggies are not permitted on the course.
Health & Wellbeing
Our club complies with Sport Scotlands, Child Protection and Wellbeing in Sport Policy and we have a named Child Protection & Wellbeing Officer CWPO. Please make yourself aware of the location of the defibrillator in the clubhouse main vestibule. Please report all incidents and accidents on the clubs grounds and premises or if you deem something to be unsafe.
Dress Code
As with most clubs our dress code is relaxed. However we still insist that no jeans, football colours or sleeveless tops are worn on the course or practice areas. Spiked golf shoes and football colours are not allowed in the clubhouse.
Opening Hours
The clubhouse opening hours will be posted on the main door each week as they may vary throughout the year in order to optimise staff hours. Please be aware of this when playing as the clubhouse may be locked up when you finish your game.
Catering & Functions
Our catering team will be offering everything from breakfast rolls, toasties, soups, tea and coffees and light lunches throughout the day. Working very closely with our bar manager Joyce Milne to cater for our social events and private functions. Please contact admin to book your next party or function, hire of the lounge or back bar is free to all members.
Social Events
We have a very busy social calendar with events held throughout the year, please bring your friends and family along to enjoy and support your club. See the notice boards and our social media forums for details, tickets can be reserved at the bar or office.
Mobiles & Social Media
Mobiles are part of everyday life, however please put them on silent when on the course and use them respectfully in the clubhouse. We encourage you to take photos, comment, share and check in to promote your club. Free Wifi password is available at the bar.
Our Office Bearers
President Robert Black
Club Captain David Reid
Ladies Captain Jennifer Ure
Vice Captain Alan McCann
Club Secretary David Dick
Match Secretary Jamie Todd
Junior Convenor Neil Kerr
Greens Convenor Stephen Cassidy
Club Treasurer Trevor Simpson
Elected Member Laura Bissett
Elected Member John Broadley
Child Protection David Dick
PGA Professional Heather Stirling
Club Administrator Jean Reid
Bar Manager Joyce Milne
Catering Manager Mandy